Saturday, January 19, 2013

Scottsdale Homeowners Association Gives Scholarships to 3 Outstanding Students

Three outstanding students from Scottsdale were saluted this week at the January meeting of the Scottsdale Homeowners Association, held in the basement hall of St. Bede Church.

The trio---two high schools girls and a young man attending college---were awarded scholarships from the SHA. All three are graduates of St. Bede School.

All three demonstrated exemplary service to the community and involvement at their schools.

Earning a $1,000 award was Matthew Horacek, an alumnus of St. Laurence High School and a current student at Eastern Illinois University. Accepting the award for him (he is away at school) were his parents, Jeanne and Gary Horacek. In brief and heartfelt remarks of gratitude, Mrs. Horacek spoke well of Scottsdale, calling it "a real community" rather than merely a place to live and saying that she and her husband are glad they raised their children in the neighborhood. "This is a great community, and we're still here," she added.

Splitting the $500 award were Brittani Pajak, a student at Marist High School, and Mia DePatie, a student at Mother McAuley High School.

(from left) Gary and Jeanne Horacek, SHA Secretary Barbara Cohan and SHA President Anthoula Peiralis.

(from left) Geri and Brittani Pajak, Cohan and Peiralis.

(from left) Diana and Mia DePatie, Cohan and Peiralis.

The Southwest Chicago Post congratulates all three winners and their justifiably proud parents, and thanks the Scottsdale Homeowners Association for once again identifying and encouraging excellence and community spirit among the neighborhood's younger generation, as they have for many years.

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